We’re as excited as anyone about Yosemite at pebble.it - I’ve been running it as my day-to day OS since Developer Preview 2. However, Apple changed the game a little bit when they announced the Public Beta Program. What was previously only available to members of the paid developer program, is now available to all. If you want to keep your users to stay on the stable version of OS X until you’ve tested it, Apple have published a profile that will restrict access to unreleased versions of OS X. Their suggestions for deploying this are either Profile Manager (which isn’t suitable in any environment) or emailing it to users and asking them to install it (which is incredibly optimistic!).
If you are using a tool that can install packages, such as Casper, Apple Remote Desktop, or our preferred method Munki, you fortunately have a better option. Using Tim Sutton’s Make Profile Pkg, you can make a package that will deploy your preferences. First off, you’re going to need to install the command line tools for Xcode. Everything preceded with a $
should be typed into a terminal window.
$ xcode-select --install
Once you’ve got the tools installed, we can get Make Profile Pkg downloaded:
$ cd ~/Desktop
$ git clone https://github.com/timsutton/make-profile-pkg.git
And assuming you’ve downloaded the profile from Apple and have left it in your Downloads directory:
$ cd ~/Desktop/make-profile-pkg
$ ./make_profile_pkg.py ~/Downloads/HT6311-BlockYosemiteBeta.mobileconfig
And you get a package out of it! Or, you could just use this pre-built one.
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